What Alexandria Property Owners Ought To Know About Norway Rats

norway rat

There are many species of rats found throughout the world, but the Norway rat might be one of the worst of all. This species, also known as the brown rat, has caused issues for humankind for hundreds of years as they’ve grown dependent on humans for their survival. These rats have lived alongside us and have spread throughout the globe because of their ability to swim and live on ships and boats. They are also known for being omnivores with insatiable appetites, so living next to humans gives them access to both food and shelter.

The backstory of Norway rats and their dependent relationship with humans is fascinating, but they are more than just a history lesson. A common home-invading pest is the Norway rat. They are a common home-invading pest In Alexandria, and they can cause both property damage and health issues.

What Do Norway Rats Look Like?

It can be difficult to tell these rodents apart from mice and other rat species, such as the roof rat, but you can identify the Norway rat by looking for a few key characteristics. Brown rats are a brownish-grey color and have short, scaly tails and small, scaly ears. They have blunter faces than mice, and they are also much larger as they can reach up to 15 inches long. Unlike roof rats, they are almost always found near ground level as they aren’t great at climbing.

How Dangerous Are Norway Rats?

There are many problems that come along with norway rats getting into your home or business, and they fall under one of two categories: property damage and health risks.

Rats have incisors that constantly grow, so to keep them from getting too large, they gnaw on a range of materials including plastic, drywall, and even wood. This means they can damage many items around your home and even hurt structures inside of the building such as flooring, electrical wiring, and plumbing. The damage can lead to safety issues and cost a lot of money to repair.

As far as health risks go, there are many concerns with Norway rats. First of all, they themselves can carry many diseases including salmonella and hantavirus, but they can also have parasites that carry other illnesses such as the Bubonic plague. Along with sickness, rats can cause respiratory problems, asthma attacks, and allergic reactions. And, to top it all off, they commonly contaminate food sources.

What Are The Best Norway Rat Prevention Tips?

It’s much easier to protect your property from rats by preventing them than it is to remove them once an infestation begins. While rats are difficult to deter since they can fit through holes the size of a quarter, there are still measures you can take to make it more difficult for them to come inside and also to make your property less appealing to them. Here are some of the best preventive measures:

  • Seal up holes and cracks around the walls and foundation using a combination of steel wool, wire mesh, and caulk. Pay special attention to areas where pipes and wires enter the building.
  • Make your home or business less appealing to brown rats by keeping trash cans covered with lids and removing any trash from around your yard.
  • Rats are attracted to food sources, so always wipe up any food and drink spills and do dirty dishes as quickly as possible.
  • Keep pet food stored indoors.

What Is The Safest Way To Remove Norway Rats?

Trying to remove a Norway rat infestation on your own can be frustrating and dangerous. These rats can reproduce quickly and hide in many difficult-to-reach areas including inside walls and under floorboards. Additionally, many of the over-the-counter pesticides can be harmful, especially to pets and children. The safest and most effective way to remove a Norway rat infestation is with help from the experts at Matar Termite & Pest Control. We provide both residential and commercial pest control services, and we will get rid of any current rat problems and provide ongoing assistance to keep them away from good.

Discover more about our rat control services and get started today by giving us a call or reaching out online.